Enterprising I.T. Solutions


Child Safe Computing




Child Safe computing is becoming a popular term and concern for parents in society today. How do you let your children use the powerful information resources that are only a click a way yet keep them safe from Online Predators?.

When we were growing up, you either had to go to the public library to learn about distant lands, prehistoric animals, ancient civilizations, frogs and rocks, or you had to spend thousands of dollars for your own personal set of Encyclopędia Britannica.  .


At Enterprising I.T. Solutions, we strive to help you provide both the benefits of the modern information world while at the same time, managing and minimizing the risks.  Our security consultants will work with you to understand the risks your children face with your current home computing solutions, and find ways to allow you to work with your children in providing a safe computing experience.


Together you can help your children enjoy discovering the world of knowledge waiting for them just outside their computer screen, without having to fear for their safety.

Get professional help to design a comprehensive Child Safe computing solution to protect your children from exposure to inappropriate sites, and Internet predators

Too much is at stake to trust a $50 software program with your children's lives.

Contact Security Consultants at Enterprising IT Solutions and find out how we can help you make a Child Safe Computing environment in your home today.

Email us at: SafeHome @ EntSols.com