Enterprising I.T. Solutions


Internet Technologies


Intranet Solutions


One of the most consistent complaints of users in today's "Computerize Organizations" is the difficult in finding important information within a company's own network.  With the increased competition that these challenging economic times present, workers have to be more focused on their jobs, computers should be tools to help them do work, not obstacles to finding the information already "Organized" within an organization.

While the Internet has provided many "I.T. Savvy"  organizations with easy access to user friendly environments, maintaining great amounts of information, it has not been able to replace the company network as a source and destination for detailed, relevant, and proprietary "Corporate" information.


Bringing the ease of use - user friendly "Internet" paradigm to the corporate network is becoming the key to eliminating the frustration that employees experience daily with trying to navigate the corporate network.  Creating an "Intranet" with familiar Web based access to corporate information is not only provides easy access, it also allows an organization to grow without the constraints often imposed by existing Network security systems, and File Servers.  


Intranet  Web Solutions provide Easy Access to

  • Company Forms
  • Company Procedures
  • Standard Documents
  • HR Documents
  • Phone lists
  • Client lists
  • Protected Partner Resources
  • Shared Company Calendars
  • Collaboration / Workflow applications
  • Email solutions
    • Internal Recipients
    • External Recipients
  Contact I.T. Specialists at Enterprising I.T. Solutions today, to see how we can help you take control over your information, and help your users be more productive.  Find out how Intranet solutions may help you gain the competitive edge by allowing your workers to be more efficient.