Enterprising I.T. Solutions


Internet Technologies


Other Internet Solutions


For many organizations attracting new prospects, qualifying leads, and converting them to customers is the most important daily task.  For many smaller organizations with out million dollar, multi-year contracts with a few large customers, success can be measured on how well they discover new prospects, and move them along to become customers.

With the cost of advertising becoming higher and higher every year, the smaller organization is increasingly challenged to compete effectively with the larger players.  Not everyone can afford to advertise weekly on local or regional TV and Cable stations, nor can they budget for multiple radio spots, or having several billboards.

For most small businesses their main advertising is word of mouth, or a simple listing in the long stand-by the "Yellow Pages".  

  • But just what do you really get with a "Yellow Pages" add?
  • And how does it help you convert the inquisitive browser, into a qualified prospect, or customer?
  • What does it do to differentiate you from the multitude of other organization competing with you for their business?

Typically nothing more than the listing, your phone # and Address, and if you've spent the extra money... a simple graphic logo.  Telling the prospect more important information about your organization is left up to you IF the inquisitive browser happens to call.


When you really look at your advertising choices, its actually about the 4 A's.
Audience, Attention, Attitude, Action.

  1. Finding the largest Audience of "Prospects" looking for your goods or services.
  2. Holding their Attention long enough to give them valuable information.
  3. Changing their Attitude from an inquisitive browser to a prospect ready to buy.
  4. Encouraging them to take Action to become a Customer.

A simple listing in the Yellow Pages accomplishes #1 finding an "Audience", but it does not help with much more than that.  Advertising in Newspapers, Magazines & Radio can provide #1, #2, #3, and #4 but the cost to give the Audience "enough" information to change their "Attitude" and take "Action" is very expensive. Similarly TV and Cable advertising provide for all four but the cost is prohibitive for most small organizations.

Fortunately another media exists that can not only work with all the above advertising methods, but also stand on its own to provide prospects with timely, (24 hrs a day, 365 days a year), effective, in depth information, sufficient to hold the "Audience's" "Attention" long enough to change their "Attitude" and take "Action" to become new customers.  That media is the Internet.


The Internet provides you with all the benefits of the "Traditional" advertising media, with the ability for greater depth of information, in an easily updated format.  Typically, organizations look to one of three Internet "Resources" to help with securing new customers.



Is an online version of simple advertising, it lets you put basic information about your organization in places where prospects know to look.  Additionally it provides a location where inquisitive browsers can "Search" for products and services that are relevant, local, and affordable.  Typical information includes, business name, address, hours of operations, phone numbers, a short description of your services, a link to an online map to your location, as well as a possible link to your email and Organization's Web site.

Today, more shoppers are looking to the Internet to find the businesses providing the goods and services they need.  

Recent research shows that after finding a business using popular e-Marketing services, over 75% of shoppers contacted the advertiser, almost 50% made a purchase and about 45% of purchases were for more than $100 each.


Corporate Web Sites

Pickup where simple e-Marketing leaves off, a Corporate Web site provide rich, visually stimulating, easy to navigate timely information.  It provides information in varying levels of depth, allowing the user's to choose how much information they need.  

Unlike traditional advertising user's have the flexibility to select the messages they hear, and  how they navigate through the information, not wasting time searching through irrelevant facts, topics, or to find out if you offer what they need, and why they should consider working with you.  Finally it can be easily updated to refresh the information, revise your messages, and reflect additional products, services and the competitive information you need "Audiences" to hear to take "Action"

Corporate Web sites can free up your employees from answering simple questions about your products and services, deliver the same consistent message to ALL prospects in a timely fashion, for a lot less than you can with any other media.  No matter how large an organization, Corporate Web sites allow you to be competitive with larger organizations in attracting new prospects and gaining new customers.



Takes Web sites to a higher level, working with your sales organization to provide another avenue to conduct business.  Organizations with products to sell can initiate sales and take orders, track delivery, and manage inventories, all online with little or no direct human intervention, again 24 by 7 by 365.

While not every organization needs an e-Commerce site, many organizations are finding additional value in Corporate web sites by adding an e-Commerce element to them.


Contact Enterprising IT Solutions (e-ITS) today, and discover how using the power of the Internet can increase the number of prospective customers you reach with your advertising dollars.   Find out how to decrease the amount of time your workers spend on the phone repeating the same basic information to prospects.  Gain the competitive advantage you need from your advertising dollars, market to the correct "Audience", keep their "Attention", change their "Attitude", encourage them to take "Action", and become a Customer of your organization.